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New modular compact technology of drinking water purification from harmful organic and inorganic substances

Country of Origin: Serbia
Reference Number: TORS20161013003
Publication Date: 13 October 2016


Serbian SME has developed technology for purification of waters from harmful organic and inorganic substances using processes on electrochemically active micro alloyed and nanostructure solid materials. Innovation offers a kind of nanotechnology as a new compact technology of drinking water purification from all substances in ionic, colloid and molecule state. Serbian company is interested in license agreement, joint further development, testing of new application, adaption to specific needs


Serbian company, established in 2008, offers different consulting services, including in a field of applying innovation. Water as a vital resource is endangered and exposed to negative consequences of the anthropogenic factors. Supplies of
drinking water on the planet are limited and even spring mountain waters are not pure any longer. By changing the standard for drinking waters a problem of the appearance of the unalloyed quantities of arsenic, manganese and some other heavy metals, sulfides and derivatives of the sulphurions, nitrites, nitrates and humans organic materials in ground drinking waters is identified and remarkably emphasized.

RESULT: As a solution to the above mentioned problem in purification of waters this innovation offers a nanotechnology
as a new compact technology of drinking water purification from all substances in ionic, colloid and molecule state.
Comparing with similar technology, named competitive and unique compact technology is based on the application of
several electrochemically active micro alloying and nanostructure solid materials that show remarkable electrochemical
activity when in contact with harmful substances of the organic and inorganic origin found in water, when by means of
spontaneous processes occurs and irreversible adsorption of harmful substances and their elimination from the water.
High fidelity, originality and uniqueness of these nanostructure materials that serve as filling in hydro cyclonic reactors,
contact columns and multilayered filters have enabled designing and realization of new compact modular technology.
Serbian company is looking for partner for license agreement. It involves all activities under technical cooperation; first of
all joint further development. Serbian company plans and offers testing of new application, as well as adaption to specific

In process of intensive reduction of heavy and other metals, organic phase in water and irreversible adsorption of the products of reaction. In flexible structure of the compact module taking up small area of 610 m2, relatively small weight with the filling of
(600 kg), ready to function during all seasons. All mentioned processes can be used in industrial and domestic (family) areas.

Advantages and Innovations

Main advantages are in high reliability and efficiency of the elimination process of particle arsenic and other metals in particle and colloid state; purified water harmonized and stabilized by filtration processes and aeration; spontaneous
regulation of pH values on acid base centers; flexible structure of modular installation; low cost investment; low cost operating conditions; low energy consumption. Compare to other cutting edge and alternative technologies this
technology was used on Pilot modular system capacity of 1 m3/h to eliminate all harmful ingredients from water according to the strictest international and EPA standards.

Innovations and advantages of the offer:
• Intensive reduction of heavy and other metals, organic phase in water and irreversible adsorption of the products of reaction;
• in functioning of filtration, spontaneous coagulation­flocculation and adsorption­reduction processes in direct flow conditions at the pressure of 3­8 bars, with the regulation of pH values, with addition of no electrolytes and fluids into the system;
• In high electro­chemical ampere­hour capacity and quick and efficient change of all nanomaterials;
• In high quality of purified water which is harmonized and stabilized by means of filtration processes and aeration of the purified water by the air whose parameters by far exceeds the strictest European and world standards;
• In flexible structure of the compact module taking up small area of 6­10 m2, relatively small weight with the filling of (600 kg), ready to function during all seasons.
• It can be used in flexible structure of the compact module taking up small area of 6­10 m2, relatively small weight with the filling of (600 kg), ready to function during all seasons.

Stage Of Development

Available for demonstration

Requested partner

The preferred partners are industrial companies that produce equipment for water distribution: equipment for filtration
processes and aeration and its installation. The potential cooperation could be license agreement, according international law and standards.

Cooperation offer ist closed for requests