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Feasibility studies for energy-related decision makers

Country of Origin: Italy
Reference Number: TOIT20171116001
Publication Date: 17 November 2017


An Italian company has developed a methodology for assessing, through various indicators and statistical calculations, the type of  renewable sources most suitable on a single territory. 
The company seeks public authorities, universities and research centres, interested in adopting their method, in implementing it locally through commercial agreements with technical assistance.


The decision about adopting renewable energy sources and applying them locally in territories is an actual debate.
The production of energy is a major activity of man and his intelligence has allowed him to find countless ways to obtain it. However, these methods are not always respectful of the best
welfare interests and environment protection but are determined by other drives. A serious commitment of everyone is required so that choices regarding energy are compatible with human needs
and sustainable, especially to hand to future generations a better environment and models of progress.
An Italian company has developed a methodology of intervention, suitable to decision makerst, that allows to intervene through a quantitative approach to the overall assessment of energy planning that is attentive to social needs and environmentally friendly. The quantitative approach is based on the identification of determinant factors and characteristic indicators, on the fixation of objective criteria and on the collection and analysis of technical, economic, environmental and social data. It should be noted that the method is a tool of comparison between various technological configurations (source and conversion technology) for the production of useful energy.
For the quantification of the total value of the useful energy VE (Energy value), produced with a particular technological configuration, its four factors are considered: Efficiency, Economy, Employment and Environment. These elements can be evaluated by a series of characteristic indicators, to which are attributed values based on defined criteria and available statistical data.

Advantages and Innovations

The methodology provides the possibility, for decision makers, municipalities, and local authorities, to have a roadmap, to start programming energy choices; the methodology can be adopted, prior to making decisions about the sources to be adopted and depends on the specific needs and characteristics of a single territory.

Stage Of Development

Available for demonstration

Stage Of Development Comment

The methodology can be integrated with specific characteristics of single territories and is ready to be implemented.

Requested partner

The company seeks public authorities, R&D Insitution, Universities interested in using their method for energy choices, and/or in further developing it.

Cooperation offer ist closed for requests