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Smart metering device for reduction of water consumption.

Country of Origin: Spain
Reference Number: TOES20200128001
Publication Date: 31 January 2020


A Spanish SME working in water efficiency offers an innovative smart metering device to raise awareness and reduce water consumption in buildings without reducing flow or limiting time. The device allows visualisation of instant and total daily water consumption and water temperature. Water temperature and flow can be processed statistically to generate additional savings. They are interested in a technical cooperation agreement or a commercial agreement with technical assistance.


A Spanish SME working in water efficiency has developed an innovative metering device to reduce water consumption in homes and buildings such as schools, offices, hotels, hospitals, etc.

Current smart meters in the market send the readings to the supplier company only. This device shows instant and total daily water consumption and water temperature to raise users' awareness and foster savings.

The device has two parts: the sensors and the display. The display is integrated in the mirror and remains invisible until any tap is opened.
Flow and temperature can be sent to the cloud for statistical treatment to find behaviour patterns and spot leaks.
Users can also set their daily consumption target and monitor it. On average, 15% water is saved without reducing flow or limiting time. Half of the water saved is hot, therefore energy is saved as well and CO2 emissions reduced.

The ROI (return on investment) varies from 1 to 2,7 years depending on the city considered.

The Spanish SME is interested in commercial agreements with technical assistance with companies commercialising energy saving solutions and devices for homes and buildings around Europe and specially in north Europe. The SME can offer technical consultancy and support by installation and maintenance. A technical cooperation agreement can be as well considered when an adaptation of the technology to the partner needs may be required.

Advantages and Innovations

- Unlike other smart meters in the market, this device allows real time visualization of water consumption to the user where & when required.
- Compatible with other water saving devices such as aerators, temporized /eco taps, pressure limiters, etc.
- Detects leaks and abusive use.
- Contributes to achieve nZEB (near zero energy buildings)

Stage Of Development

Already on the market

Requested partner

The Spanish company is looking for companies commercialising energy saving solutions and devices for homes and buildings (schools, offices, hotels, hospitals, etc.).

The Spanish SME is interested in a commercial agreement with technical assistance where the partner sought should have a good knowledge and access to the market.

A technical cooperation agreement will also be considered in the case where technical adaptation of the product to specific needs is required.

Cooperation offer ist closed for requests