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After-harvest spray preparation helping in the decomposition of stubble and reduction of mineral fertilizers

Country of Origin: Czech Republic
Reference Number: TOCZ20170920001
Publication Date: 25 September 2017


A Czech family company, developer and producer of fertilizers for organic agriculture has developed a preparation with high content of humic substances and increased enzyme content ensuring the effective decomposition of organic material (stubble) after harvest, thus reducing the need for mineral fertilization. The company is looking for agricultural partners interested in commercial agreement with technical assistance.


The Czech family company is active in the formulation and manufacture of fertilizers for organic agriculture. At the same time it produces enzymatic products for the use in livestock production, and enzymes for septic tanks, cesspool, waste and sewage treatment.

The preparation with a high content of humic substances and an increased content of enzymes very effectively ensures the decomposition of the rest of the organic material after harvest, where a lot of organic material remains after oilseed rape, maize, sunflower and grain.
When it is applied on the soil, the present humic acids decompose to fulvic acids and again re-synthesize as a result of the action of microorganisms. These are cycles that are very important for maintaining soil fertility. In addition, the humic acids are binding organic substances, which is important both for the plant growth and for the mitigating the effect of toxic organic compounds (pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls) on the environment. The humic acids also bind complex-forming metals, thereby they prevent heavy metals from the transition to crops. Alkaline humates contained in the preparation alkalize acidic soil and prevent its further acidification over a longer period of time. The effect of low doses of humic substances also results in the intensification of nutrients intake by plants, especially nitrogen, phosphorous and trace elements Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, B, Mo in the form of chelates. The practical result of the systemic application of humates is therefore the reduced requirement on mineral fertilization in relation to the next growing season.
Commercial agreement with technical assistance as a type of partnership was selected as the preparation is offered for testing on stubble fields while sharing results of the trials. Later, based on good results, acquisition of the preparation is expected.This way a long-term prospective collaboration is anticipated.

Advantages and Innovations

-A faster active life of microorganisms in the soil starts up after the application.
-Reduces sterility of the arable land.
-Seed germination, root system formation and nutrient intake improves.
-Decomposition of organic residues after the harvesting improves.
-The humus better maintains humidity and any additional chemical fertilization after the application.
-Chemical fertilizers can be reduced by up to 40%.
-Transition of heavy metals from the soil and chemical residua from chemical fertilization into the plants, fruits, and seeds is reduced.
-Decreases acidification of the soil.
-Improves harvest yield in the next season.

Stage Of Development

Field tested/evaluated

Requested partner

Agricultural companies - crop growers.
Growers of grain crops, oilseed rape, maize, sunflower, poppy, etc.
Role of the partner:
Trials on stubble fields and based on positive results, acquisition of the preparation in the future.

Cooperation offer ist closed for requests