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Advanced charging station for supporting infrastructure connection

Country of Origin: Czech Republic
Reference Number: TOCZ20170724001
Publication Date: 24 July 2017


A Czech technical university focused on research and development in the field of electromobility developed several prototypes of charging stations for electric vehicles with support of advanced features and functions which allow individual charging systems virtualization, remote administration and billing energy and services of customers in closed system. The university is looking for company or investor interested in joint venture or manufacturing agreement or technical cooperation agreement.


Czech university developed several prototypes of charging stations for electric vehicles and is looking for company or investor interested in joint venture or manufacturing agreement or technical cooperation agreement. Nowadays the development progress of electromobility is limited by current state of energy network, number and quality of public charging stations in Czech Republic. Current charging stations network is result of non-conceptual spontaneous development with problematic availability of charging point. The vast major number of stations are installed without possibility of new alternative functions since they are not adapted for such purposes. Developed charging stations have a great potential to expand more business opportunities and activities.
In 2013 European Union proposed throughout to produce hundreds of thousands of new charging stations. In the Czech Republic there was set a quota of 13,000 public charging stations to be developed by 2020.
Developed prototype of charging station allows connection of electric car with energy network and comfort secure control of charging administrator or customer. Advanced features allow virtualization of charging stations (consumption/production facilities) in closed system, for example remote control and monitoring of charging process, operational control of energy flow, billing of services or energy.
Charging station solution consists from commercial parts and custom designed hardware resources with integrated control systém. On this basic there is connection in LAN or WAN network for actual data measured during charging process for connected electric cars. There is possible to apply remote control of power outputs (on/off), components or whole cluster of charging stations.
It is not possible to continue only with research and experimental work without the transition to commercial activities or starting a business and professionalisation especially when subscribers are interested in this product now.


Advantages and Innovations

Developed charging station brings technical innovative solution which allows:
- remote supervision of electric car charging process, controlled switching from the level of cluster through a particular charging station to individual charging sockets according to user, infrastructure administrator or available power demands requirements,
- remote management and monitoring of the operation of the charging station(s)/cluster,
- power supply scaling due lower power than the power output of whole charging station using electric energy storage elements for one of offered solutions,
- energy and services billing to clients or customers,
- user accounts support with centralized supervisor system,
- simple connection to energy network,
- using charging station as distributed energy source in smart networks,
- structural modularity of charging station or its components on demands.

Stage Of Development

Available for demonstration

Stage Of Development Comment

All developed technologies and appropriate hardware and software resources were installed and validated during two years trial operation at places of interest with verification of construction and application parameters. Nowadays there is validation of cluster infrastructure and supporting services in hard progress.
The client is continuously developing and improving systems.

Requested partner

The universtiy is looking for company or investor interested in joint venture or manufacturing agreement or technical cooperation agreement. 
The role of the partner will vary depending on the nature of the collaboration that is established:
- Joint venture agreement - the partner and the EU company should be willing to work together closely.
- Manufacturing and technical agreements can open mutual exchange of information all possible under confidentiality agreements.

Cooperation offer ist closed for requests