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A Brussels SME offering flexible thin-film modules applicable on different surfaces is looking to join a consortium for the H2020 call LC-MG-1-12-2020

Country of Origin: Belgium
Reference Number: TOBE20190806001
Publication Date: 6 August 2019


A SME based in Brussels offers innovative flexible thin film solar modules that can be installed in locations where other photovoltaic  technologies cannot, e.g. rooftops with difficult access, weak and/or temporary structures. It can be installed on vehicles (buses, trains, trucks, etc). They seek to join a consortium for the call LC-MG-1-12-2020 where they could play a role in the Innovation Action subtopic complementing the technologies tested in the living lab. Deadline is 9 January 2020.


The Brussels-based company is a young SME eager to join a H2020 consortium to further test their technology in a variety of settings and countries for the topic LC-MG-1-12-2020 ‘Cities as climate-resilient, connected multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility: new approaches towards demonstrating and testing innovative solutions’ within the subtopic of Innovation Action where their technology could complement the living labs.  Deadline for this call is 9 January 2020.  

The proposed flexible thin film solar modules are based upon an innovative copper indium gallium selenide solar cells technology (CIGS) where low-weight flexible modules can be placed on smooth surfaces / rooftops (0-90 degrees slope) with a weak structure or rooftops that are difficult to access for installation. Due to the flexibility of the material the modules can be installed on different types of buildings (industrial/public buildings/heritage) and temporary infrastructures (such as tents/shelters) but also on vehicles (buses, barges, trains, refrigerated trucks) and even on wind turbine towers. The proposed technology has already been tested in different settings and countries and it is thus at TRL 4-5.

The company offers their expertise and product to continue the testing and complement the urban living labs required for this specific subtopic.

Advantages and Innovations

The main advantage is the lower cost and lower environmental impact of their thin film technology as well as the increase in efficiency, stability, lifetime, performance and reliability. 

Their product can be used in locations where other photovoltaic technologies cannot be installed, e.g. rooftops with difficult access, weak and/or temporary structures.

Stage Of Development

Available for demonstration

Requested partner

Consortiums applying for the topic LC-MG-1-12-2020 ‘Cities as climate-resilient, connected multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility: new approaches towards demonstrating and testing innovative solutions’ within the subtopic of Innovation Action where their technology could complement the living labs.

Cooperation offer ist closed for requests